MDNA Board Meeting Minutes – Sept. 12, 2018

MDNA Minutes – Sept 12, 2018

Board members present: Peter, Donna, Reuben, Lucia, Alex, Robert, Sahar, Siamak, Stephen, Marius, and Patricia.

Motion passed to take away last line of April minutes.
Motion passed to approve the May minutes as long as they clarify that an additional the reason why the board didn’t approve of a proposed Castro LGBTQ Cultural District that would include part of Mission Dolores is because it went go against our mission statement that clarifies the Mission Dolores is a sub area of the Mission District. 

Motion passed to never post minutes on website, until they are approved by board.

MDNA Opposed green benefit district (GBD) 2 years ago. We voted on this. Robert Brust is asking us to reconsider our previous vote.

Robert was given 15 minutes to speak in favor of GBD

  • Ned, concerned citizen in favor of green benefit district. Wanting to be “responsibly additive” to neighborhood groups. 
  • Described as a “neighborhood HOA”. Services and assessments are chosen by the people in the neighborhood.
  • They would like to form this because they see difficulty in getting official action on local problems.
  • They don’t want to define an agenda. They want to take the input from from residents and have the residents define the agenda, including additional taxation rates.
  • Alex asked what they are trying to raise in terms of money. 
  • Donna asked about the boundaries of the district they want to create.
  • Member of public asked what services could be provided. 
  • Robert responded about greening around medians, maintaining steps, ambassadors in community, trash pickup in park. 
  • Donna asked about why the city wouldn’t cut services if GBD provides them. 
  • Ned responded that it’s legislated that the city must provide same services regardless of GBD.

Against GBD, Steve Bartoletti

  • Cost is too significant — administration is 1/3 of the cost in existing SF GBD’s.
  • Special tax assessments should be for urgent / underfunded needs
  • “Bad government” – GBD’s are inequitable because richer areas that can afford more tax focus on themselves and allow city to neglect its services.
  • GBDs are a “threat” to neighborhood associations like MDNA, by attempting to replace them. He summed up the idea as, “We don’t like what the governments are doing, so we want to collect our own taxes.”

John Hooper, ex- president of BVNA

  • GBD in Buena Vista bypassed NA
  • He gave MDNA advice to file a public ordinance request ASAP
  • $66k grant from the city is funding for Mission GBD. That was found out through the public records request.
  • placement consultant Placelab was paid $220k to make the GBD happen. 
  • Example from existing city of tax usage breakdown: $400k raised per year. $100k on salaries, $50k on advertising.
  • City (DPW) wants GBD to happen and votes using their significant land ownership. They want to stop as much of the city budget for parks maintenance, and GBD would help paper over problems with their services.
  • Lucia asked whether the city has to pay taxes too, or whether they get a vote without paying in to GBD. John said that isn’t clear.
  • Generally, developers like GBD’s so they help fund for their formation.

Kimberley Leong SFMTA 

  • SFMTA is looking at other bike way designs. Asking for Public feedback about them now.
  • They found using data that a lot of collisions related to loading and unloading along the Valencia corridor.

Alex (SFMTA), curb management team

  • Making parking managed better. 
  • Double parking is prevalent on Valencia St: Uber/Lyft, personal vehicles, delivery services, taxis, etc
  • They are looking at painting curbs for more commercial loading, including outside business hours.
  • Robert asked about whether Lyft picking up off Valencia helped. Apparently it just moved the problem, and Lyft pickups are only a piece of the puzzle.
  • 6 months until curb changes

Peter started Board-only part of meeting

  • No one else wants to take over as President, or we want him to continue in the role.
  • He feels strongly that the new President needs to follow the mission statement.
  • Donna changed schedule to work as VP. Motion passed to appoint Donna as VP. 
  • Reuben is nominated secretary and webmaster. Motion passed.
  • Peter nominated for president. Motion passed. 
  • Robert asked about process to pass the torch and thinks we should come up with a plan.
  • Rafael Mandelman will be at next meeting.
  • Peter added rules to the bylaws to ensure everyone agrees with the mission statement. 
  • Peter went through Bylaw edits.
  • We don’t have a treasurer. All donations are sent to account at SF Study Center. They take 10% and we don’t have to do accounting or deal with audits. 

Note: Reuben will add mission statement back to website. 

  • Alex wanted to codify how board members are elected, for example, which motivated the new bylaws.
  • Donna wanted them the bylaws discussed to be addenda instead of separate bylaws. Motion passed.